CanSURVIVE’s Workshop: Learn to enjoy a healthy & balanced life with the Prana Healing Wand - Part 3 Date : 17th-18th March 2018
Subsequently, they organised a 2-day workshop being “Learn to enjoy a healthy & balanced life with the Prana Healing Wand.”, on both days, Saturday, 17 March 2018 and Sunday, 18 March 2018 at Wrexham room, BAC’s PJ Campus. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Siva P. who is the Founder of Prana Healing Centre.
Mr Siva focuses on introducing the the Prana Healing Wand which is a healing tool which looks like a cocktail stirrer and is made of plastic. It is a cosmic geometry tool which constantly generates PRANA (energy) to recondition, rejuvenate and heal the body.
This complimentary workshop was attended by 190 participants who each took home a healing wand and hands out.
Cansurvive is a non-profit cancer charity organisation that aims to provide guidance and community support for cancer patients as well as their family and friends. It also creates awareness among the public on the benefits of holistic, non-invasive cancer therapies, nutrition and diet, what is available in terms of orthodox treatments, and where to access them.